Provide comprehensive social protection social protection will help to generate economic growth this will reduce poverty and the cost of social protection reduced emergency assistance, freeing donor resources. These assessments analyze the status of social protection programs and safety nets, their strengths and weaknesses and identify areas for improvement, all with the aim of helping governments and donors to strengthen african safety net systems and social protection programs to protect and promote poor and vulnerable people. The role of national social protection floors in extending. Social protection floor index implement nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for all, including floors, and by 2030 achieve substantial coverage of the poor and the vulnerable. Michael cichon is president of the international council on social welfare. Social protection floor world commission on the social dimension of globalization. The views expressed here are nonetheless those of the author. A social protection floor index as a monitoring tool for national social protection policy implementation, forthcoming 2015. Social security a human right reemerging from obscurity somehow, it seems to have been forgotten. Social protection floors and economic and social rights ohchr. They should be nationally defined through social dialogue and allow people to live a life in dignity.
Identifying the gender gaps that the social protection floor proposes to correct, means doing away with. Basic principles for innovative solutions assesses the catalogue of principles included in the ilo recommendation on social protection floors from a legal perspective. This chapter defines the social protection floor and further explores the concept of social protection. It is a basic set of social rights derived from human right treaties, including access to essential services such as health, education, housing, water and sanitation, and others, as defined nationally and social transfers, in cash or in kind, to guarantee income security. The global coalition for social protection floors, a network of almost 90 ngos and trade unions organisation worldwide, is happy to announce the social protection floor index spfi. Options to complete the social protection floor in vietnam 18 box 3. The idea was sharpened in the ilos social protection floors recommendation no. Human rights and social justice frameworks that inform the social protection floor are examined. It is a basic set of social rights derived from human right treaties, including access to essential services such as health, education, housing, water and sanitation, and others, as defined nationally and social transfers, in cash or in kind, to guarantee income security, food. Public social protection schemes are usually funded through the payment of contributions by individuals andor employers contributory schemes or through taxes taxfinanced schemes.
Social protection systems should be tailored to specific needs and country contexts. Recommendations on social protection floors wolters kluwer. Social protection has traditionally focused on strengthening economic, human and social capital for stimulating economic growth, yet advocates of a rightsbased agenda have stressed that it. Money scheme, one core component of the social protection floor was implemented. Case study evidence based social protection advocacy in uganda 57 box 6. Floor initiative, the social protection floor advisory group was created to enhance global advocacy activities and to develop the conceptual policy aspects of the approach. The role of the social security board of the ministry of labour, 60 employment and social security in social protection box 4. Case study evidence based social protection advocacy in. Social protection model 2 for each intervention, set the benefit parameters eligibility, benefit amount, administrative cost, and coverage ratios and targeting ratios poor as a percentage of covered population example. Social protection floor for a fair and inclusive globalization. Main international source for social security as a human right 15 box 2. Definition of the social protection floor springerlink. The social protection floor spf is the first level of social protection in a national social. A tool to help us keep, and finance, a promise published on thu, 20160804 15.
Ilo, 2017 isbn 9789229437 print isbn 9789229444 web pdf international labour office social security social protection social security policy ilo standards 02. Social protection floor initiative spfi as one of several joint initiatives to combat and. Merge pkh and scholarship for the poor working age public employment scheme linked with skills development feasibility study for ui maternity benefit for ie workers support the implementation of bpjs ii elderly and. The term social floor or social protection floor has been used to mean a set of basic social rights, services and facilities that a global citizen should enjoy. Report progress, as agreed in global, continental and regional conventions and agreements to ensure that commitments are kept and key targets achieved. Gizs definition of social protection is broad and incorporates health, poverty and broader issues of social and economic development. Definitions of social protection systems are also provided for sida and usaid. The aim of social protection floors is to extend basic support and protection to all those in need. Steps in understanding the social protection policy process 58. Social protection floors are nationally defined sets of at least four basic social security guarantees that ensure basic income security for all and access to universal essential health care. Despite the international communitys recognition of social protection as a human right, the vast majority of the worlds population still has no.
Recommendations on social protection floors wolters. The index was developed by a group of master students from the maastricht graduate school of governance under the supervision of michael cichon. The social protection floor initiative fact sheet 2012 this updated flyer, available in several languages, is designed as a promotional tool for a broad public, to get the social. Social protection floor can be affordable cost of social protection in selected asian countries latest available years 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 viet nam china thailand japan korea, republic of % of gross domestic product gdp total public social protectionexpenditure public soc sec benefit exp. The index was developed by a group of master students from the maastricht graduate school of. Recognizing the strategic importance and necessity of ensuring universal social protection, the united nations system chief executives board adopted in april 2009 the global initiative for a universal social protection floor spfi as one of nine initiatives in response to the current crisis.
The social protection floor is a set of basic social security rights and transfers, to help promote human rights and support decent living standards worldwide. Extending social protection by anchoring rights in law. Social protection as a tool for justice social protection in the region seemed delinked from citizenship rights and distributive justice and geared towards assistance rather than development. The social protection floor spf is the first level of social protection in a national social protection system. Social protection coverage, floors, mechanism, system and policies all used in. Paper presented at international aids conference, mexico city. Poor relief in 19th century europe fall in budgets as democracy expands source. Social protection floors and economic and social rights. Jul 02, 2015 a social protection floor index as a monitoring tool for national social protection policy implementation, forthcoming 2015. The srm argues structurally in advancement of human capital and economic development and considers social protection a safety net and springboard for the vulnerable and the poor. That right was formally stipulated more than 60 years ago in the universal declaration of human rights in 1949.
Recommendations of the social protection floor advisory group to the g20. Social protection floors pps, led by the ilo and who, and defined as an integrated set of social policies designed to guarantee income security and access to essential social services for all, paying particular attention to vulnerable groups and protecting and empowering people across the life cycle ilo, 2011, there is an. Between 2011 and 20, the international labour organization, in collaboration with governments and several united nations agencies working as part of the social protection floor initiative. Social protection was pushed to the fore of the international agenda after the obvious damage due to the financial and economic crises, and a 2012 ilo recommendation operationalizes social protection floors as twopronged, providing universal access to essential health care and basic income security in the case of maternity, for children and. Oct 25, 2011 social protection floor spf gives everyone access to basic social rights, services and facilities. Organization and involves 17 collaborating agencies, including united nations agencies. International standards and human rights instruments international labour office geneva. A spf is the first level of a comprehensive national social protection system.
Coordination unceb adopted the social protection floor initiative in april 2009. While some countries seek to extend social insurance and combine it with. Other targets of the sdgs most prominently target 3. The social protection floor and the based national. The authors are listed alphabetically, thus the sequence of names does not reflect the value or. The social protection floor initiative spfi that was launched by the united nations system chief executives board for coordination in april 2009, recognizes the importance of. Brief for gsdr 2015 social protection policies in the. Your steps in building networks and alliances 40 box 4. Monitoring national social protection policy implementation. Monitoring national social protection policy implementation mira bierbaum, annalena oppel, sander tromp, michael cichon1 maastricht graduate school of governance unumerit 1 the paper is the result of a team effort. In public works, the main actor is the public works component of the tanzania social action fund tasaf. Combine administrative units to make them more efficient, reduce administrative costs and.
Social protection will help to generate economic growth this will reduce poverty and the cost of social protection. A minimum level of social protection for individuals and families needs to be accepted and undisputed as part of the socioeconomic floor of the global economy. The social protection floor and the based national dialogue. Box 1 mongolias child money scheme 2 2 how to design inclusive social protection systems. The south african social protection system is one of the most comprehensive within the region.
In 2011, the social protection floor advisory group issued a report entitled social protection floor for a fair and inclusive globalization,5 which. Despite the international communitys recognition of social protection as a human right, the vast majority of the worlds. Social protection floors and the post2015 millennium. Four types of social protection food and agriculture. Social protection floors for a fair and inclusive globalization. Among low and middle income countries, donors play an important role in financing social protection expenditure and in setting the priorities for policy smith and subbarao, 2003.
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